Boxcar Poetry Review - Issue 33

We end summer and late fall with this 33rd issue which revolves around the twin themes uncertainty and transformation. The eye of God appears in a mobile home wall, what is silent is almost spoken, a hero fails, hands hover, lips are considered, as are pillars of salt and cities on the verge of destruction. Everywhere in these poems decisions are being made, forgotten, or turned into something new.

   Also in this issue, two terrific conversations between first book poets, three new reviews, and wonderful art from Savannah Schroll Guz. Nyla Matuk and Deena Kara Shaffer, explore loss and attachment through material artifacts, recurring language, and the natural world, while Cynthia Marie Hoffman and Rachel Richardson engage the nature of place, relative distance, and writing the known and the unknown. Diego Báez reviews Peter Joseph Gloviczki's Kicking Gravity, Lori Mosley looks at memory in Kim Young's Night Radio, and Katherine Hoerth returns to our pages with a new review of Jennifer Elise Foerster's Leaving Tulsa.

Boxcar Poetry Review - ISSN 1931-1761